Sunday, April 17, 2011

A wise man once told me...

Ahoy hoy.
Let me just say, self respect week went fairly well. Nothing really exciting happened, not that I expected it to or anything, but you get what I mean. I didn't do any exercise (surprise surprise), nor did I eat particularly well (in fact I may have eaten worse). But I felt good about myself and that's a very good start, because when you feel good, nothing else really matters all that much.
So this week is going to be a little difficult, because I don't quite know what this word truly means. Well, sure, I have an idea, but at the ripe old age of 17 I don't really think I could give a full definition of this word and be completely sure about it. Wisdom. There's all that talk about wisdom coming with age, about developing wisdom as you get older after you've experienced many different corners of life, blah-di-blah-di-blah, whatever.
But who says I haven't got just a little bit of wisdom? 17 years of life may not seem like much, but I think there are some lessons I've learned, and learned well.
So my mission this week is to come up with at least 3 very definite truths; things that I truly believe in. Even if you don't. Three of my own quotes, if you like. And with each quote this week, I'll also post a photo, just to make my page more attractive. :D
And if anybody is reading this, I urge you to encourage your inner old person this week. Think about things more deeply than you usually would. Think twice, think carefully, and think well.

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