Monday, April 11, 2011

Holy mother of God.

It's been almost 2 weeks since my last post. How time flies!! So I have a few things to report:

- My Happiness week (the week before last) went pretty well. Except for one night when I was in a bad mood and wanted to cry for a couple of hours, I was generally in a fairly good mood.
- Last week was Positivity. Since I had my driving test on Friday afternoon and was crapping my pants in the few days beforehand, this one came in handy. And boy was it challenging. I kept saying, 'Oh sweet Jesus I'm going to fail miserably and then waste another $150 paying for another stupid test and then fail again and waste another $150...' and so it went. Friday came, and Friday went. I got my license. Every time I had a negative thought I pushed it back, and I have a feeling that my semi-confidence did actually help. Then Sunday was the best day of the year so far; so that definitely made me feel positive about where my life was headed. I made some pretty major decisions about where I'd like to travel to, which put me in a very good mood. Let's just say I'm a compulsive planner.
- Finally, I've now landed myself in the week which I was dreading from the start: self-respect. I'm not very good at that one. Gorging myself on chocolate and cookies got me off to a pretty bad start tonight. My plan is just to eat a little more healthy than usual and maybe even do some exercise. And I'm not going to put myself down, unless I do something ridiculously embarrassing, like farting at work. Just an example...

I hereby swear that I will love myself sick.

1 comment:

  1. Love yourself sick, hey? That sounds like a bit of a Hannerism, to me. :p
    But seriously, if chocolate and cookies makes you happy, then go for it, I say.
    But please tell me you didn't fart at work. XD

    PS: I can definitely second Sunday being the greatest day of the year so far!
