So that was my creative week. I completed 4 out of the 7 tasks. I wrote a song, took a picture, made something from paper, and wrote a piece of creative writing. Yes, I partially failed, but it was my first week.
In other news, tomorrow is the first day of the second week. The card is 'freedom'. This will be interesting, if nothing else. The card description reads:
'I let go of all my limitations. Dispossess myself of all the weight associated with things, people, places, public opinions, fears and desires. I fly.'
The verdict: very funny and corny, yet somehow compelling. Let's give that a go, shall we? Here's the plan.
Monday (things): Use as few of my belongings as possible. I know I rely on my things way too much (don't we all?), so I'm going to try and use only the very essentials, apart from using my computer briefly to update my blog. After all, 'the less you own, the more freedom you have'.
Tuesday (people) : This day will be a lot of fun. I'm not going to worry about what other people want. I'm going to make this day completely about me. Shouldn't be too hard.
Wednesday (places): I plan on moving places every half hour or more. I won't be able to rely on the resources of one particular place for any more than that half hour. :/
Thursday (public opinions): Do something completely outrageous without worrying about what other people might be thinking. I'm already embarrassed.
Friday (fears): The dark scares me sometimes. Seeing as I know I will never be able to conquer my fear of spiders, I will sit in my room in complete darkness for an hour on Friday night. The fun never stops.
Saturday & Sunday (desires): I think the weekend beholds the most difficult task of the week. I'm going to stop thinking, and go with the flow. I'm not allowed to think about anything stressful, or anything to do with the future. The present is everything.
So there you go. Let's see if this might be a little more successful than last week. XD
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