Sunday, March 27, 2011

Walk to Wineglass Bay, Tasmania.

This is the mood I'm in.

What's a doodle do?

I was definitely successful this week. In fact I may have been too successful.
It wasn't hard to focus on being peaceful at work as it wasn't busy at all - unlike the past few weeks which have been pretty damn hectic. And my nights are almost always peaceful - I just do what I please. But I did discover a few new things which keep me chilled and mellow.
Saturday was beautiful. Clear sky, warm sun and light breeze - utterly perfect. My grandma stayed with us this weekend, and while she was having a snooze I took my chance and crept outside. I ended up sitting in the shade, leaning up against the back door with an apple juice and one of my favourite books. I think doing relaxing things outside that are typically indoor activities like reading takes peacefulness to a whole new level. Very rejuvenating indeed.
I also realised that spending time alone with my dad is a very good idea. Since we're so alike, we can usually decide on something to do which keeps us both happy and doesn't allow for much argument. I'm almost always out with mum, because we both like shopping and I like her company, but dad never gets much of a chance. He's always either working or at the archery range. Hopefully this new discovery will bring on a bit of a change with regards to how much time we spend together.

I think it's pretty self-explanatory. Be genuinely happy and have no troubles for 1 week. How hard could it possibly be?

Monday, March 21, 2011

No love for me!

Well, I didn't try very hard. I thought about it a lot though. I couldn't quite come up with a specific task for 'love' last week, but I was definitely more aware of it. That being said, I was a bit lazy last week.

This week is peace. Peace-y peace-y peace peace.
That's about all I can say about it. Oh sweet lord, how am I meant to be peaceful this week? I thought about challenging myself to keep calm in every situation, but is that the true definition of peace? I think I'd rather do something indulgent instead. Specifically, I'd like to dedicate at least half an hour of trying my very hardest to feel blissfully at peace with myself each night after work. I wander if this will prove to be in any way difficult? Should be interesting.
So that's what I'm going to do. But how? I know that reading in my room with dimmed lights and beautiful music makes me feel absolutely wonderful, but I wander if I could find other ways to feel that great? To feel that absolutely brilliant; that completely at peace with myself and my life?
Hopefully by the end of the week I'll be able to share some new methods on keeping peaceful (I didn't get my half hour of peace tonight, but never mind - 6 more nights to go!)

Peace be with you.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Friday didn't happen, you know, the whole 'sitting alone somewhere in the dark' thing. Yeah, I didn't exactly feel compelled to do that. Wander why?
And the weekend? I think I went alright. There were only two times I can think of when I actively thought about either the past or the future, if that makes sense. Every other time was just a mistake. But in all honesty, I didn't worry about things I couldn't control, and I didn't dwell on things that are over and done with.
With my freedom week over, I think I can safely say I went alright. Some things were harder than others, but most went okay. Some were lots of fun!

This week's word is LOVE. If I'm honest, I'm really not sure what my project should be. I don't want it to be something lame like 'Show someone I love them every day of the week' or some crap. Besides, my affectionate side is very temperamental and only comes out every once in a while (especially with my family).
So how can I act out 'love' this week? I think I need some help.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What a cracker!

I loved, loved, LOVED today's challenge!
I may not have had the guts to to do something completely outrageous and just plain socially unacceptable, but I did give it my all. Here's what I did (and didn't give a flying FUCK what other people thought):
1. I missed my train home, and was feeling hungry, so with 20 minutes until the next train I decided to get McDonalds. The line was ridiculously long, and when a new employee came to serve at another register, calling 'next!', people just bolted to it. I had only just joined the line and decided that when the girl called 'next!' I would run for it. So I did. Some 40 year old man gave me a dirty look because he had been in the line longer than me. Nothing much, I know, but I would usually never be so impolite. It felt bloody good.
2. I stared, unashamedly at a man with ludicrous sideburns sitting opposite me on the train. He stared back.
3. I also stared unashamedly at a gorgeous 20 something guy sitting next to the ludicrous sideburns man. He forgot his umbrella, and when I realised it was still standing next to his seat I said, 'Your umbrella is there', and pointed like some kind of stupid dumbass. Then he smiled at me :D

May not sound like much, but I felt proud of myself. I'm almost always quiet and shy in public situations. But not so much today. (: Mission accomplished!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Freedom isn't easy.

Today is Wednesday, and I apologise for my late blog entries. I'll summarise the past few interesting days of my 'freedom' project.

Monday was incredibly hard. I kind of wasn't expecting to reduce my large usage of everyday 'things'. It was more an attempt to actually take notice of what I do use during the day. Here's a list of all the things I vaguely remember 'using' on Monday (and every day, for that matter):
- phone, ipod, toothbrush, knives, forks, spoons, cups, saucers, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, face wash, comb, bobby pins, hair tie, money, wallet, go card, photocopier, printer, stapler, stapler remover, hole punch, scanner, computer, computer mouse, band-aids, hand soap, hand towels, toaster, television, and the list goes on and on and on.
I practically made no attempt whatsoever to stop using any of these things on Monday. In fact I pretty much forgot about the whole 'freedom' concept until I got home from work. Besides, work made it incredibly difficult to put this task into action. Result: fail.

Tuesday was a little better. A lot better. Actually, during the day I was asked to perform a task for work which completely stressed me out. This kind of went against my whole 'do only what I want for the day' task. Again, difficult to act upon when I have to do things for other people at work. I didn't even get to take my whole 45 minutes off for lunch, because I had to finish the job I had started.
But there were a few things I did just for me.
I ate a whole big two-pack of mars bars on the train by myself, and crunched the wrapper doing so in the supposed 'quiet carriage'. And then I saw someone I knew, and pretended I hadn't. Wasn't exactly in the mood for small talk that afternoon.
Overall I'd say I earned a D+ for that one. Maybe a C-.
No, definitely a D+.

Then today was better again. I think I only stayed in one place for more than half an hour about 4 times. Twice on the train journeys, once while I was doing that job from yesterday (still), and right now, because I've kind of given up. I reckon I've been sitting in this very spot on the couch for about an hour. But that's not so bad, right? I've definitely passed today's task, maybe with a B.

Now I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Doing something outrageous? Oh dear lord. This could be a whole lot of fun!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

New Week

So that was my creative week. I completed 4 out of the 7 tasks. I wrote a song, took a picture, made something from paper, and wrote a piece of creative writing. Yes, I partially failed, but it was my first week.
In other news, tomorrow is the first day of the second week. The card is 'freedom'. This will be interesting, if nothing else. The card description reads:

'I let go of all my limitations. Dispossess myself of all the weight associated with things, people, places, public opinions, fears and desires. I fly.'

The verdict: very funny and corny, yet somehow compelling. Let's give that a go, shall we? Here's the plan.

Monday (things): Use as few of my belongings as possible. I know I rely on my things way too much (don't we all?), so I'm going to try and use only the very essentials, apart from using my computer briefly to update my blog. After all, 'the less you own, the more freedom you have'.
Tuesday (people) : This day will be a lot of fun. I'm not going to worry about what other people want. I'm going to make this day completely about me. Shouldn't be too hard.
Wednesday (places): I plan on moving places every half hour or more. I won't be able to rely on the resources of one particular place for any more than that half hour. :/
Thursday (public opinions): Do something completely outrageous without worrying about what other people might be thinking. I'm already embarrassed.
Friday (fears): The dark scares me sometimes. Seeing as I know I will never be able to conquer my fear of spiders, I will sit in my room in complete darkness for an hour on Friday night. The fun never stops.
Saturday & Sunday (desires): I think the weekend beholds the most difficult task of the week. I'm going to stop thinking, and go with the flow. I'm not allowed to think about anything stressful, or anything to do with the future. The present is everything.

So there you go. Let's see if this might be a little more successful than last week. XD

Friday, March 4, 2011


So Friday I stayed at my friend's place, and didn't do anything particularly creative. And today's Saturday, and I'm about as tired as I could possibly be. Basically, I don't know if I'm going to be able to get too creative tonight, or even tomorrow. So far I've only been creative 4/7 days. Am I going to fail my first week? Oh dear. I have serious commitment issues.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Paper Hat.

As promised, I did make something out of paper last night. I was thinking something along the lines of intricate origami, something time consuming and difficult. But then I saw my MX newspaper from the afternoon sitting on top of my piano, and thought 'hey, I remember when I used to make those awesome newspaper sailor hats and wear them all day long'. So I re-lived the moment. And I got my awesome brother to model the finished product. There's a lot to be said about simple, childish things.

So that's that.
And today, Thursday the 3rd of March, I wrote down in my notepad that I'm going to write a piece of creative writing. Or something. Here's something I prepared a little earlier.

I swear I'd never seen something so beautiful. He was just an ordinary boy. Long, lank, mousy grey hair fell across his forehead and hid his left eye from view. His mouth was set in an ugly grimace and he had terrible posture. The printer jerked and shuddered as he tried to kick it back into working order. Very ordinary indeed.
It was his wings which had caught my attention. They were laced so intricately, so astonishingly beautifully with every single shade of green imaginable. The jade of grandma's old ring, the dewy drops caught on fern leaves in the early morning, the deep murky water of a mossy creek, the fresh, soft green that runs over grassy plains and hills. Everything green I had ever seen before in my life was weaved through the pattern of his lacy wings. And they really were like lace; like a doily almost. Utterly beautiful.
And then he looked at me. He must have sensed me staring at him and become uncomfortable with it, because he threw such a look at me that I felt I had been stabbed with a blunt, rusty knife right between my eyes. Picking up his booklet from the table, he returned back to his work. But I was still unable to look away. Eventually I realised it had already been an hour since I came into the kitchen for lunch, and I was meant to be back a little while ago. Reluctantly, I turned, draped the towel over the back of the chair where I had found it and headed slowly back to reception.
How very odd.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pretty photo.

Tuesday, I took a photo, but I wasn't able to upload it due to internet problems :/
I just wanted to take a photo of something that I see everyday, but make it look somewhat interesting and 'pretty'. I actually rather like the simplicity and clean, crisp edge to this photo.

And then today, Wednesday 2nd, I'm supposed to make something out of paper. Or at least, that's what I told myself I would do today.
I'm just not sure what. Whatever I decide, I'll let you know tomorrow! I might take a photo of it also, just for proof XD
Til tomorrow! :D